NBCC aims to create and maintain an inclusive, child-safe environment. Our policy is guided by the document: AusCycling Child Safeguarding Policy, Commencement Date: 21 April 2022.
We minimise the risk of recruiting a person who is unsuitable by requiring that those involved in youth coaching, training, and racing have a Working With Children clearance.
Current WWC. clearances:
Mark Dring #3572062 expiry 9/2/2024 Roles; Coaching, First Aid Qualified, Cycling-specific photography/videography/drone in public.
Chris Howard #933801 expiry 21/4/2025 Roles; President, Event coordinator, First Aid Qualified, training session coordinator. Cycling-specific/videography photography in public.
We require our volunteers to disclose convictions or charges affecting their suitability to work with children
We further dissuade recruiting unsuitable persons by having clear and transparent policies and boundaries understood by all parties, volunteers, parents/carers and children.
Each person involved in the delivery of services to children understands their role and behaviour in keeping children safe. This includes boundaries such as NOT:
- providing support not relating to their role (e.g. babysitting, providing accommodation, or exhibit favouritism, undeclared financial assistance, or use of a personal phone or camera to take images of children not associated with cycling activities).
- transporting children unless specifically approved
- giving undeclared gifts/presents
- engaging in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children
- discriminating against any child.
- having one-on-one contact with a child outside of authorised sport activities (including via phone or online)
- accepting an individual invitation to attend a private function at the request of the child or family (unless there is an existing social or family relationship)
Any breach of these boundaries observed by parents/carers, child or volunteers is requested to be reported to the NBCC committee, addressed to the Secretary.
Each person involved in the delivery of services to children understands that under no circumstances is any sexual behaviour to occur between, or in the presence of children. This includes contact behaviour and non-contact behaviour such as flirting, sexual innuendo, inappropriate messaging or exposure to inappropriate images. Overly physical touch, such as wrestling, tickling, roughhousing and cuddling is inappropriate.
NBCC volunteers are NOT qualified physical therapists, and we do not provide massage or physiotherapy. Any observation of this behaviour should be reported.
Language and tone of voice used in the presence of children should provide clear direction, boost confidence, encourage and affirm. We should not use language that is discriminatory, derogatory, intended to frighten, be profane or sexual. This is also a requirement of parents and children to ensure a child safe environment. Our volunteers are authorised to address incidences of inappropriate or negative language from other volunteers, parents or children.
Children in the sport will be made aware of acceptable limits of their behaviours. Under no circumstances are our volunteers to take disciplinary action involving physical punishment or treatment that could be reasonable be considered degrading, cruel, frightening or humiliating.
Parent/carer responsibility. Parents and carers are to be involved in any significant decision in relation to their child’s involvement in cycling. All training and racing are conducted in open locations and parents/carers are entitled to watch their children. Depending on the age of the child, parents may drop off children, however it is a strict requirement that parents arrive on time to pick up their child. Otherwise our volunteers may be left in predicament of one-on-one supervision outside of official training times. If a child is required to use change-rooms, parents must supervise as our volunteers will respect privacy. We recommend a degree of vigilance you would apply to your child’s use of any public amenity.
Where there is little involvement by, or communication from parents/carers we aim to not exclude, children in sport. We understand that sport coaches can provide an important role in mentoring and demonstrating that a child is valued and welcomed. However these are often the most vulnerable and at-risk of children. Therefore we will endeavour to avoid all one-on-one interactions to reduce risk to the child. We may request parents of other children to be present to avoid one-on-one occasions (such as transportation or escorting to the outside of changing rooms/toilets).
Please read the permission form carefully. The form gives permission for NBCC to use your child’s image in media such as this website, promotional material, club reports, news articles and on social media. All photos must only relate to cycling and club activities. Images must show the child appropriately dressed and posed. NBCC DOES NOT endorse private communication or sharing of images between just a volunteer and child. Any incidence of this should be reported.
Child awareness
Participants in the youth squad will have the following information included in their training pack.
NBCC is committed to a sport that is safe, inclusive, enjoyable and positive.
We have a few things in place to try to ensure your safety and welfare.
If however you ever feel mistreated, harassed, or uncomfortable speak up to those you feel safe with (and keep speaking up until someone listens).
There is no reason for adult coaches and volunteers to be overly touching or holding kids. Appropriate First Aid is an exception. We are not qualified to provide massage or physiotherapy.
There are no secrets or private communications between our coaches and yourself. All communication will remain open with your parent or carers.
We require parental permission to take photos (and only related to cycling). We need a signed permission from your parent or carer to provide transport to events.
I hereby consent and agree that Northern Beaches Cycling Club (NBCC) or its appointed representatives have the right to take or use photographs, sound recordings video footage of me (and/or my property) and to use them in any and all media worldwide including online, now or hereafter known, and for any purpose whatsoever. This permission is restricted to activities and events associated with cycling only.
I hereby release to NBCC all rights to exhibit this work in print and electronic form publicly or privately and to market copies. I waive any rights, claims or interest I may have to control the use of my identity or likeness in the photographs and agree that any uses described herein may be made without compensation or additional consideration of me.
I represent that I am at least 18 years of age, have read and understand the foregoing statement, and am competent to execute this agreement.
Name: Date:
Address: Phone:
Parent/Guardian name & signature (if under 18):
You can download the Child Safety Policy here.